Alan Turning. June 2023. Pencil and marker.John Muir. January 2023. Pencil and ink wash.Warren Zevon. June 2022. Pencil, ink wash, and brush pen.Charles Edwin Bessey. March 2021. Pencil, ink wash, and brush pen.George Washington Carver. March 2021. Pencil.Ella Fitzgerald. 2019. Pencil, ink wash, and brush pen.
Relief prints are hand-carved in reverse, then inked and manually pressed on paper to make a series of unique prints.
Shirley Jackson. October 2022. Relief print.Edgar Allan Poe. January 2024. Relief print.Gene Wolfe. November 2021; reprinted 2023.Ursula K. Le Guin. February 2018; reprinted 2023.Gabriel Garcia Marquez. April 2022; reprinted November 2023. Relief print.Frida Kahlo. March 2023. Relief print.Ruth Bader Ginsberg. April 2021.Belva Lockwood. December 2021. 11×14″ relief print (cropped).Hubble Space Telescope & Edwin Hubble. June 2024. Relief print.Ed Stone & Voyager. July 2024. Relief print.Northern Goshawk. July 2023. Relief print.Flaco the Eurasian Eagle-Owl. February 2024.Roseate Spoonbill. July 2021; reprinted November 2023.Great Blue Heron. August 2023. Relief print.Tiger. February 2023. 11×14″ relief print.Whitetail Buck. November 2022. Relief print.Spicebush swallowtail and coneflower. October 2023. Relief printed coaster.Bumblebee and Black-Eyed Susan. October 2023. Relief printed coaster.Basking Turtles. May 2024. Relief print.American Woodcock. April 2024. Relief print.Firetower. January 2021.Lean-to. January 2022. Relief print.Titan Arum (Corpse Flower). August 2021.VW Bug peace. May 2023. Relief print.
Paintings, Pets, & Places
Amanda Gorman. March 2021. Pencil and gouache. Time lapse recording!Monarch on Goldenrod. Relief print tinted with watercolor.Freya. Pencil and ink wash.Hobo. Pencil, ink wash, and brush pen.Farm cats. May 2023. Pencil and ink wash.Endurance. October, 2022. Pencil, ink wash, and technical pen.Seashells. March 2021. Technical pen.Homes. July 2022. Technical pen.Davis Mansion. Pencil and marker.Commissioned work: Storefront. May 2021. Technical pen.Commissioned portrait work. June 2022. Pencil, ink wash, and brush pen.Commissioned work: Wedding portrait and hands detail. January 2021. Pencil and ink wash.Commissioned work: Paring sprouts. December 2022. Pencil and ink wash.